Archive for June, 2013

Windows 8 Recover your system

Windows 8 has performed well for us, but if you find it won’t boot at some point then you now have to press Shift+F8 during the launch process to access its recovery tools. Access the Troubleshoot menu, then Advanced Options, and you’ll be able to try the Automatic Repair tool, which may fix your problems. […]

Speed up chkdsk (Windows 8)

      If you suspect your Windows 8 system may have a corrupted hard drive, then you might be tempted to use the old chkdsk /f command. This does still work, but it’s horribly slow, and won’t do anything at all until you reboot. What’s more, it may no longer be necessary now. Windows […]

Save bandwidth with windows 8

Set up lots of live tiles on the Start screen and you could find they’re using a lot of network bandwidth, which could perhaps become a problem if you’re running a slow or metered connection. But Windows 8 does offer one option that might help. Click your network connection on the taskbar (or the Start […]

Learn Windows key shortcuts

    Win : switch between the Start screen and the last-running Windows 8 app Win + C : displays the Charms: the Settings, Devices, Share and Search options Win + D : launches the desktop Win + E : launches Explorer Win + F : opens the File Search pane Win + H : […]

Get Hyper-V Virtual Machine Process ID and GUID

Copy the following command and enter it in a PowerShell window with elevated credentials: Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization -class msvm_computersystem | select elementname, operationalstatus, processid, name| ft -auto For example:

How do I move an incomplete download to another computer?

        The torrent history is saved in resume.dat stored in %appdata%\utorrent. A quick solution is to move the partial files (if you want to store on your new HD of course) then the folder %appdata%\utorrent to the new HD. Then you edit resume.dat with by using the function ‘find/replace’ to change […]

The IIS Admin Service service terminated with service-specific error 2149648394 (0x8021080A)

The IIS Admin Service service terminated with service-specific error 2149648394 (0x8021080A). IIS Admin Service goes away after restoring a VHD / VPC Server I recently had the unexpected pleasure of losing my IIS Admin server – altogether!!! Translate – 150% !!! Now, before this – everything was going great – except. During an upgrade of […]

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