Solution to Windows 7 Installation Hang at 62% or 72% during Upgrade from Vista

Many users are facing problems with Windows 7 installation while upgrading from Windows Vista. Windows 7 installation stuck or hangs at 62% or 72% when upgrading from Vista via “Upgrade as install method”. The setup process stops and hangs and the system does not respond specially when it reaches 62% or 72% of completion. Even if you try to restart your system to resume failure installation process, it does not respond.

This installation problem happens because of iphlpsvc service and if you check the setupact.log file, you can see the error message as :

Warning [0x080b50] MIG AsyncCallback_ApplyStatus: Progress appears to be stuck. Current progress: 62

If the setup installation error file tells the above and exact error for installation hang at 62% or 72%, then there is an workaround to get rid of this problem and continue with the installation process. Remember that this installation failure happens during Windows 7 upgrade from Vista only.

Fix Windows 7 Install Hangs at 62% or 72% Error

  1. Reboot your computer for the system to roll back to Windows Vista OS
  2. Navigate to Start >> right click on Computer >> Properties >> Advanced Settings >> Environment Variables
  3. Under System Variables, click New >> press ENTER
  4. Type in the following variable information:
    Variable value: IphlpsvcMigPlugin.dll

  6. Reboot your computer and restart Windows 7 installation process
  7. You are done.

The above workaround should fix the Windows 7 installation failure at 62% or 72% problem while upgrading from Vista and you can continue installing Windows 7 on your system without much hassles.

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